I.  Cost Accountant (1) Occupied
1. To draw up the methods of cost accounting according to business characteristics and management demand.
2. To formulate the cost planning and organize for assignment and implementation on a yearly/quarterly/monthly basis.
3. To strengthen the foundation of cost management, and in cooperation with relevant departments, establish and improve the original records to provide reliable reference for standard cost management, and keep the accounting documents, books and reports and other accounting materials.
4. To perform product costing, and correctly collect and allocate manufacturing expenses in strict accordance with the codes for cost accounting.
Job qualifications:
1. College degree or above in financial, accounting, economic and related specialties, and qualified for accounting;
2. Solid accounting basis;
3. Familiar with cash management, bank settlement and operation of financial software;
4. Strong ability of independent learning and work, earnest, scrupulous and active;
5. Good professional ethics and team spirit, strong ability of communication, understanding and analysis.
II.  Receptionist (1) Occupied
Job description:
1. Front office affairs.
2. Coordinating with other departments.
Job qualifications:
1. Gender: female; age: 20-30;
2. Healthy, courteous, graceful, scrupulous and responsible;
3. Familiar with office software and network office tools, and skillful with duplicating machine, facsimile apparatus, scanner and other office equipments;
4. Skilled in business communication, active and social.